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FIFARUS.RU – все про игры серии FIFA


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Весь контент salo

  1. Серяи пеналей, камп бьёт последний решающий пеналь. Если забивает он выигрывает, если нет то серия продолжается. Он бьёт в штангу, мяч отлетает в поле, все игроки рады, гол засчитан)) вОТ так вот...)
  2. Можете дать пожалуйста ссылку на скачивание FIFA 09 для PSP(желательно с торентов)! Сорри может и оффтоп! Но негде больше написать!
  3. salo

    Баги в FIFA 09

    То что ты назвал первым багом им ВООБЩЕ НЕ ЯВЛЯЕТСЯ!Кассильяса удалили(он ушёл, его не могут заменять) Серхио Рамос встал на ворота пока готовят замену вратаря и потом уходил с поля меняясь на Реину , а ты что хотел что бы Реина менял Касильяса которого удалили??? :pardon: На счёт второго бага то такое было и в прошлых частях( например Дрогба играл весь матч, забил 3 гола, а в конце его заменили на Шевченко и теперь когда перематываеш на все голы Дрогба то их забивал Шева)))Вот такой вот баг <_< )
  4. Вышла демка! http://forums.electronicarts.co.uk/fifa-09...ed-updated.html качаем наслаждаемся геймплей стал поприкольнее!
  5. Смотря на скрины можно сказать только одно графика улучшилась в лучшую сторону, но физика и движения игроков мне кажется остались без изменений((( Даже когда играеш не изменили оформление, а просто как и в 7, 8 , 9 фифе меняют цифры! Уже так надоело это! Такой же выход из под трибунного помещения! Даже радость празднования гола останутся такими же мдаа... Ещё один год надо будет поиграть в Пса, ппц! Надеешся надеешся, а они[разработчики] как всегда.... Как это уже всё надоело!
  6. KТО МОЖЕТ ПЕРЕВЕДИТЕ И НАПИШИТЕ СЮДА ВОТ ЭТОТ ТЕКСТ! FIFA 09 on the PC is described as a true PC game, a leading edge connected PC football game which: * plays great * feels right * looks amazing Taking each of these elements: 1) Gameplay (Polished, Deep, Gameplay) They have focused on the following key areas to create a new effective gameplay experience: * Collisions o completely rewritten o 350 new animations which creates a staggering new gameplay experience o much more intelligent and realistic through use of momentum and player weights * 1-on-1 Situations o shielding is much more effective o acceleration tuning - where if the player with the ball sprints they will get a moments advantage over their opponent as they play catch up (but you must benefit from this split second advantage otherwise it will be lost) * 4 new tricks (now making 32 in total) o standing tricks + scoop turn + rainbow flick (effectiveness depends on skill rating of player) o jogging tricks + heel to heel flick + 90 degree turn away from trouble * PC Controls o now are fully customisable and schemes can be saved 2) PC Innovations They wanted to take advantage of the benefits a PC brings to you and have added or enhanced the following features: * Connected Widgets - which can be moved around on screen to suite your preference. You can chose form the following: o Online Profile - Your stats from playing all your online matches o Offline Profile - Your stats from playing all your offline matches o Online Community - Number of players currently online o Interactive Leagues - Your progress in these o Favourite Club - Stats from your favourite club * Mouse Control - the mouse has now been integrated into the gameplay if you prefer to play this way or want a completely new gameplay experience o Pin point attacks + pass to a teammate or into space + analog shooting + send players on custom runs + mouse intentions not visible in online matches o Defence + manual player switching + fully customisable inputs (for upto 5 input mice) 3) Leading Edge Graphics * Player heads used from Next Gen * 3D grass which looks awesom FIFA 09 on the PC is described as a true PC game, a leading edge connected PC football game which: * plays great * feels right * looks amazing Taking each of these elements: 1) Gameplay (Polished, Deep, Gameplay) They have focused on the following key areas to create a new effective gameplay experience: * Collisions o completely rewritten o 350 new animations which creates a staggering new gameplay experience o much more intelligent and realistic through use of momentum and player weights * 1-on-1 Situations o shielding is much more effective o acceleration tuning - where if the player with the ball sprints they will get a moments advantage over their opponent as they play catch up (but you must benefit from this split second advantage otherwise it will be lost) * 4 new tricks (now making 32 in total) o standing tricks + scoop turn + rainbow flick (effectiveness depends on skill rating of player) o jogging tricks + heel to heel flick + 90 degree turn away from trouble * PC Controls o now are fully customisable and schemes can be saved 2) PC Innovations They wanted to take advantage of the benefits a PC brings to you and have added or enhanced the following features: * Connected Widgets - which can be moved around on screen to suite your preference. You can chose form the following: o Online Profile - Your stats from playing all your online matches o Offline Profile - Your stats from playing all your offline matches o Online Community - Number of players currently online o Interactive Leagues - Your progress in these o Favourite Club - Stats from your favourite club * Mouse Control - the mouse has now been integrated into the gameplay if you prefer to play this way or want a completely new gameplay experience o Pin point attacks + pass to a teammate or into space + analog shooting + send players on custom runs + mouse intentions not visible in online matches o Defence + manual player switching + fully customisable inputs (for upto 5 input mice) 3) Leading Edge Graphics * Player heads used from Next Gen * 3D grass which looks awesome
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